
Press Release

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina is pleased to announce the launch of the new website. Our new website boasts a faster and simpler way of providing all necessary information about the work of the Constitutional Court to all types of user


Press Release

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with and support of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Serbia, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, has made possible for all employees of the Constitutional Court of BiH to get vaccinated in the Republic of Serbia.


Visit by Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey

His Excellency Haldun Koç, the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Bosnia and Herzegovina, has paid a farewell visit today to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina 


A Roundtable Discussion on the Importance and Application of the Law on Protection of the Right to Trial within a Reasonable Time

U organizaciji Ministarstva pravde Republike Srpske danas je u Banjoj Luci organiziran Okrugli sto o značaju i primjeni zakona o zaštiti prava na suđenje u razumnom roku 


President Knežević participated in online XVIII Conference of European Constitutional Courts

Predsjednik Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine Zlatko M. Knežević učestvovao je na XVIII konferenciji evropskih ustavnih sudova koja je održana putem videolinka 24. i 25. februara 2021. godine u organizaciji Ustavnog suda Češke Republike


Excessive length of judicial proceedings threatens the rule of law

The right to a trial within a “reasonable time” was the topic of today’s event, which was organised by the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the AIRE Centre Western Balkans Program. The ministers of justice, the representatives of judicial institutions and of the centres for judicial and prosecutorial training were presented a Guidebook – Trial within a reasonable time, which carries the analysis of the application of this right and the situation in BiH.


Visit of the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

His Excellency Igor Kalabuhov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, visited the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 27 January 2021
