Visit of the Director of the Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of F BiH


President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mirsad Ćeman, received today the director of the Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of F BiH, Mr. Arben Murtezić, in a working visit.

President Ćeman and director Murtezić discussed, inter alia, the work of the respective institutions, position of the Constitutional Court of BiH in the constitutional law structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina, significance of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of BiH within the legal system of BiH as well as the importance of the Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training. In that context, the present stressed the significance of permanent training of the judicial office holders necessary for the efficient work of the judicial institutions as well as the significance of permanent training in the area of the human rights and fundamental freedoms protection in general.

President Ćeman used an opportunity to extend wishes for success to the director Murtezić in affirmation of the role and position of the Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training.


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