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Vice-President Knežević at the International Conference and St. Petersburg International Legal Forum

Upon invitation of the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, A.V. Konovalov and President of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Valery Zorkin, Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and a member of the Commission for Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission) Zlatko M. Knežević attended the International Conference „Modern Constitutional Justice: Challenges and Prospects” and International Legal Forum organised on the occasion of marking the 25th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation held in St. Petersburg from 18 to 21 May 2016 More

Agenda of the 98th plenary session

Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall hold its 98th plenary Session on 26 and 27 May 2016 commencing at 9:30hrs More

37th session of the Grand Chamber

The Constitutional Court of BiH held today its regular 37th session of the Grand Chamber More

36th session of the Grand Chamber

The Constitutional Court of BiH held today its regular 36th session of the Grand Chamber More

President Ćeman at the International Symposium in Ankara

Upon invitation of Prof Dr Zühtü Arslan, the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey, Mirsad Ćeman, the President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina attended the International Symposium organised to mark the 54th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Republic of Turkey held on 25 April 2016 in Ankara More

35th session of the Grand Chamber

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina held today its regular 35th session of the Grand Chamber More

Regional Conference of the Constitutional Courts

The Constitutional Court of BiH, in cooperation with the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation – IRZ held today the Regional Conference „Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and their Impact on the Standards of the National Constitutional Courts“


97th Plenary session

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina held today its 97th Plenary Session and decided on a number of requests for the review of constitutionality and appeals on purported violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms More

Announcement - Regional Conference of the Constitutional Courts

The Constitutional Court of BiH, in cooperation with the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation – IRZ and with participation of the constitutional courts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and the European Court of Human Rights, is organising the Regional Conference „Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and their Impact on the Standards of the National Constitutional Courts“ More