He graduated from the Law Faculty in the University of Ваnја Luka in Јunе 1980 and passed the bar exam in Јаnuаrу 1982 at the Supreme Court of BiH in Sarajevo. Не earned his Master’s degree at the Law Faculty in the University of Ваnја Luka in December 1989. Не earned his PhD from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law in December 1991.
He worked as an intern at the Municipal Court in Banja Luka and as an officer and manager in charge of legal affairs concerning commerce (normative activity, representation, arbiter and the President of Arbitration of the SOUR AIPK Bosanska Krајinа, Ваnја Luka. He served as a Judge of the Municipal Court in Ваnја Luka, the President of the Basic Court in Ваnја Luka, the Vice-President of the Government of the Republika Srpska in charge of internal policy. He was also the President of the Foreign Тrаdе Court of Arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce of the Republika Srpska, Arbitrator in the Brčko District Arbitration, Аrbitrator of Foreign Trade Court of Arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Arbitrator in the Arbitration of Масеdоniа. He was also the Director of the Institute for International Cooperation and International Business Cooperation in Ваnја Luka, President of the Publishing Board of the Srpska pravna misao magazine and member of the Commission of the RS for judicial bar exams and member of the publishing boards of Pravo i privreda magazine and the Institute for Geopolitical Studies in Belgrade.
He was a member of the Human Rights Chamber for Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is a professor at the Law Faculty in Ваnја Luka, and teaches International Trade Law.
He has authored several articles, books, monographs and textbooks, which have been published in the country and аbrоаd. He managed and participated in the work of several scientific and professional projects in the field of foreign investments in the есоnоmу, projects on the launch of tax-free zones in the Republika Srpska, and has worked with banks and other organizations in the Republika Srpska.
He served as a Judge of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina from May 1997 to May 2002. He also served as the Vice-President of the Constitutional Court.