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126th session of the Grand Chamber

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has held today, by electronic means, the 126th ordinary session of the Grand Chamber of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Visit by Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey

His Excellency Haldun Koç, the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Bosnia and Herzegovina, has paid a farewell visit today to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina 


A Roundtable Discussion on the Importance and Application of the Law on Protection of the Right to Trial within a Reasonable Time

U organizaciji Ministarstva pravde Republike Srpske danas je u Banjoj Luci organiziran Okrugli sto o značaju i primjeni zakona o zaštiti prava na suđenje u razumnom roku 


125th session of the Grand Chamber

Ustavni sud Bosne i Hercegovine je danas elektronskim putem održao redovnu, 125. sjednicu Velikog vijeća Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine


President Knežević participated in online XVIII Conference of European Constitutional Courts

Predsjednik Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine Zlatko M. Knežević učestvovao je na XVIII konferenciji evropskih ustavnih sudova koja je održana putem videolinka 24. i 25. februara 2021. godine u organizaciji Ustavnog suda Češke Republike


124th session of the Grand Chamber

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina held today its 124th session of the Grand Chamber by electronic means
