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124th Plenary Session

The 124th plenary session of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has commenced today. The session will resume tomorrow


Visit by Director of Rule of Law Programme for South East Europe Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Dr. Pavel Usvatov

The Director of Rule of Law Programme for South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Foundation, Dr. Pavel Usvatov paid a visit to the Constitutional Court of Bosna and Herzegovina today


Agenda of the 124th Plenary Session

Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina will hold its 124th Plenary session 2 and 3 December 2021 commencing at 10hrs


Visit of the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

His Excellency, Igor Kalabuhov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, visited the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 23 November 2021


Signing of Memorandum on Cooperation

On 18 November 2021, the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina signed a Memorandum on Cooperation with the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HJPC BiH)


Fifth Annual Conference of the Highest Courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina within Judicial Forum in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Fifth Annual Conference of the Judicial Forum for Bosnia and Herzegovina was opened today in Mostar


138th session of the Grand Chamber

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina held its 138th ordinary session of the Grand Chamber today


Visit of the Ambassador - Chairman of the Arbitration Tribunal for the Dispute on the Inter-Entity Boundary Line in the Brčko Area and the First Deputy HR and BD Supervisor

On 12 November 2021, his Excellency John Clint Williamson, Ambassador-Chairman of the Arbitral Tribunal for the Inter-Entity Boundary Line Dispute in the Brčko Area, and Michael Scanlan, First Deputy High Representative and Supervisor for the Brčko District and associates visited the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina


President Tadić visited the University in Zenica and the Law School of the University in Zenica

On 10 November 2021, President Tadić visited the University in Zenica. President Tadić met with Mr. Jusuf Duraković, the Rector of the University and Mrs. Larisa Velić, the Zenica University Senate Chair and Dean of the Law School of the University in Zenica.
