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146th Plenary Session – second part of press release

At the continuation of the 146th Plenary Session, the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina examined a huge number of appeals, out of which it singles out the following relevant decisions


146th Plenary Session – first part of press release

Due to the exceptional interest of the public, the Constitutional Court hereby issues the following first part of press release concerning an abstract review of constitutionality in the cases it has decided in the course of the 146th Plenary Session so far, while it will inform the public tomorrow, on 12 July 2024, about the decisions that are adopted later during the session


Press Release

Just seven days ago, the Constitutional Court expressed its concern over improper statements and new pressure on the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). It called upon the public, politicians, analysts and everyone else who contribute to these attacks on the Constitutional Court by making improper statements to refrain themselves


Agenda of the 146th plenary session

Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina will hold its 146th Plenary Session on 11 July 2024


President Palavrić and Vice-President Galić met with H.E. Sattler to address the main challenges faced by the Constitutional Court

The President and Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ms. Seada Palavrić and Ms.Valerija Galić, met with H.E. Johann Sattler, Head of EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina and EU Special Representative in BiH


Press Release

With regard to the statements made in the public in connection with the opinion given by the Venice Commission upon a request by Mr. Željko Komšić, Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), the Constitutional Court of BiH issues the following release


145. plenarna sjednica

Today, The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina held its 145th electronic plenary session
