President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zlatko M. Knežević and Registrar of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zvonko Mijan are attending the Sixth Regional Rule of Law Forum for South East Europe held in Dubrovnik, Republic of Croatia on 22 and 23 March 2019. The forum is organized by the AIRE Centre and Civil Rights Defenders with the support of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the Great Britain, Government of Sweden and Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
The aim of the Forum is to promote implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights in the region, encourage regional cooperation in strengthening of the rule of law and respect for human rights and assist the countries in the process of EU integration in the region.
The topic of the Sixth Forum are the children's rights and European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. A number of issues will be examined throughout the Forum such as domestic violence (with children as victims and witnesses), human trafficking, asylum, guardianship and child care and access to justice for children.

President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zlatko Knežević released the following statement: „The topic of the Sixth Regional Forum in Dubrovnik is the rights of the child and European Convention on Human Rights. This topic is important for the Constitutional Court of BiH and for me personally, as the protection of the most vulnerable category of people, including children, must be urgently examined. The topic is of a particular significance in the light of the current migrant crisis as the children have been affected by it. In fact, either accompanied or unaccompanied, children are being forced to stay in migrant centres and open camps, or they are a party to the proceedings with the state authorities. These children require our help as well as some serious reflections as to the manner in which we can best protect their interests. This Forum will assist in finding answers to these acute questions and help direct our actions in this area through exchange of opinions”.