
Sixth Annual Conference of the Highest Courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina within Judicial Forum in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Sixth Annual Conference of the Judicial Forum for Bosnia and Herzegovina was opened today on Jahorina


Lawyers of the Constitutional Court of BiH participated in the Seminar on Decision Quality Improvement

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina held a two-day seminar dedicated to the improvement of the quality of the decisions of the Constitutional Court modelled after the European Court of Human Rights


Vice-President Ćeman attending the International Conference in Tirana

The delegation of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in the work of the International Conference on the Role of Constitutional Courts in New Democracies held in Tirana


A Seminar on the Efficiency of Court Proceedings

The lawyers of the Office of the Registrar in the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina attended a seminar entitled Efficiency of Court Proceedings in Legal Theory and Practice of the European Court of Human Rights


Visit of the Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina

On 11 October 2022, the newly appointed Ombudsmen of Bosnia and Herzegovina paid an official visit to the Constitutional Court


Visit of the delegation of the International Organization for Francophonie (OIF)

A delegation of the International Organization for Francophonie (OIF), in which Bosnia and Herzegovina is an observer country, visited the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina today


Visit of the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Bosnia and Herzegovina

On 20 September 2022, His Excellency Julian Reilly, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Bosnia and Herzegovina, visited the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina with his associates
