Agenda of the 146th plenary session

Having regard to Articles 9 and 36 of the Rules of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina – consolidated text
(Official Gazette of BiH, 94/14, 47/23 and 41/24)
I hereby convene

146th Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina
for 11 July 2024
commencing at 10:00 hrs


I    Adoption of the Minutes

1.    Minutes of the 144th  plenary session of the Constitutional Court of BiH of 30 May 2024

2.    Minutes of the 145th  electronic plenary session of the Constitutional Court of BiH of 19 June 2024

II    Deliberation of U cases

1.    U-3-24
Request of Kemal Ademović, Chair of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the time of filing the request for review of the constitutionality of the Decision on Changing the Purpose of Forestland and Temporary Use of Forestland for other Purposes (Official Gazette of FBiH, 89/23 and 100/23)

2.    U-6-24
Request of 13 Members of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina to resolve a dispute with the entity Republika Srpska arising from the adoption of the Decision on the Method and Sale of Real Property owned by the RS located within the Special  Area of Jahorina, by public bidding (Official Gazette of the RS, 114/23).

III    Memorandums on Request for Review

1.    AP-2440-20 ("ZAŠTITA ING" d.o.o. Mostar)
2.    AP-4755-22 (Danijel Vrcić)
3.    AP-4756-22 (Miro Kvesić)

IV    Decisions on Merits

1.    AP-1795-21 (Emela Kapidžija)
2.    AP-2758-21 (S. M.)
3.    AP-4402-21 (Elektrodistribucija Tuzla)
4.    AP-789-22 (Suad Srna)
5.    AP-940-22 (Muamer Dedović)
6.    AP-3993-22 (FACE d.o.o. Sarajevo)
7.    AP-2553-23 (Mile Vučković)
8.    AP-2679-23 (S.Š.)
9.    AP-2826-23 (Ivica Mišković)
10.    AP-2951-23 (A.V.)
11.    AP-3260-23 (Tomislav Vidaković)
12.    AP-3411-23 (Dragan Gajić)
13.    AP-3579-23 (Nataša Stojnić)
14.    AP-3873-23 (Zejd Perenda)
15.    AP-4091-23 (Nedim Uzunović)
16.    AP-4260-23 (A.Č.)
17.    AP-4697-23 (Miroslav Janjić)
18.    AP-4810-23 (Sedina Rujović)
19.    AP-4922-23 (IAB Engineering - IAB Inžinjering d.o.o. Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje)
20.    AP-5037-23 (A.H.)
21.    AP-5038-23 (Miloš Živković)
22.    AP-304-24 (M.R.)
23.    AP-1079-24 (Mark Bošnjak)
24.     AP-1730-24 (Jasminko Dugonjić)

V    Decisions on Admissibility - prima facie

VI   Decisions on Admissibility

VII  Termination of Proceedings

VIII Report on Enforcement of Decisions of the Constitutional Court of BiH

IX   Decision on Permanent Commissions of the Constitutional Court of BiH

X    Decision on Appraisal and Measures of Appointed Persons in the Secretariat of the CC BiH for period January-June 2024

XI   Decision on Human Resources Planning for 2025

XII Miscellaneous

Seada Palavrić
Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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