Visit of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Austria Alma Zadić to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

During her official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Her Excellency Alma Zadić, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Austria together with His Excellency Georg Diwald, Ambassador of Republic of Austria to Bosnia and Herzegovina and associates visited the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina today.

Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of BiH Valerija Galić and Judge Mirsad Ćeman with the associates received the Austrian delegation.

Vice-President Galić and Judge Ćeman presented the facts about the constitutional position, jurisdiction, organisation and operation of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the present circumstances.

Minister Zadić emphasized the importance of the role of the Constitutional Court especially in the protection of the fundamental human rights segment. She indicated the significance of the decisions of the Constitutional Court in the legal order of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the significance of their implementation. She also highlighted that the Government of the Republic of Austria is fully committed to offering full support to the future work of the Constitutional Court of BiH. She praised  the bilateral cooperation of the Constitutional Court of BiH and the Constitutional Court of Austria.

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