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23rd session of the Grand Chamber

The Constitutional Court of BiH held today its regular 23rd session of the Grand Chamber. Deciding on the appeals in regards to Article II(3)(e) of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Article 6 paragraph 1 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in relation to adoption of decision within reasonable time-limit, the Court adopted a number of decisions establishing a violation of the appellants’ rights to a fair trial and dismissed a number of appeals as ill-founded in cases in which it found no such violation More

93rd Plenary session

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina held today its 93rd Plenary session at which it decided on a number of requests for review of constitutionality and appeals on alleged violations of the human rights and fundamental freedoms and examined a number of proposals of administrative decisions of the Constitutional Court of BiH More

92nd Plenary Session

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, due to end of the term of office of the current President and Vice-Presidents of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at its 92nd plenary session held on 27 May 2015, elected the new President and Vice-Presidents More

Agenda of the 93rd plenary session

Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall hold its 93rd plenary session on 9 July 2015 commencing at 09:30 hrs More

Visit of the delegation of the OSCE led by Corien Jonker

Delegation of the OSCE, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE-ODIHR), led by Ms. Corien Jonker, Head of the Election Observation Mission at the General Elections 2014 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, has paid a working visit to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina today More

21st session of the Grand Chamber

The Constitutional Court of BiH held today its regular 21st session of the Grand Chamber More

President Ćeman and Judge Galić at the International Symposium in Ankara

President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mirsad Ceman and Judge of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Valerija Galic, upon invitation of the President of the Court of Jurisdictional Disputes of the Republic of Turkey, attended the International Symposium on the occasion of celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Court held in Ankara from 12 to 15 June 2015 More

92nd Plenary Session

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, due to end of the term of office of the current President and Vice-Presidents of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at its 92nd plenary session held on 27 May 2015, elected the new President and Vice-Presidents More