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Visit of the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Bosnia and Herzegovina

His Excellency Matthew Field, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Bosnia and Herzegovina has paid a visit to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 27 November 2019 More

98th of the Grand Chamber

Today, the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has held 98th ordinary session of the Grand Chamber of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina More

Third Annual Conference of the Highest Courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In cooperation with the High Judicial Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and The AIRE Centre (Advice on Individual Rights in Europe) co-organised the Third Annual Conference of the Highest Courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina within the Judicial Forum for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The topic of this year’s Judicial Forum was the "Right to a Trial within a Reasonable Time"


97th session of the Grand Chamber

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina held today its regular 97th Grand Chamber.\nOf the decisions adopted today, the Constitutional Court singles out the following \n More

Visit of Ambassador Johann Sattler

His Excellency Ambassador Johann Sattler, the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Union Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, has paid a visit to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina today More

Visit of the Delegation of the Court of Jurisdictional Disputes of the Republic of Turkey

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina was visited today by a delegation of the Court of Jurisdictional Disputes of the Republic of Turkey headed by its President, Mr. Hicabi Dursun, who is also a Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey More

Visit of the Ambassador – Head of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Her Excellency Kathleen Kavalec, Ambassador - Head of the OSCE Mission, visited the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the first time since her appointment to the current position More

96th session of the Grand Chamber

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina held today its regular 96th session of the Grand Chamber of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina More

Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia

His Excellency Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to Bosnia and Herzegovina Ivan Šabolić visited the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina today More