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Press release

We again bear witness to increasingly excessive and tendentious attacks on the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Now the attempt is to turn citizens as taxpayers against the Constitutional Court for the purposes of the election campaign.


148th Plenary Session

On 19 September 2024, the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina held its 148th plenary session, where it considered requests for constitutional review and appeals


Visit of Ambassador Aggeler, Head of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina

His Excellency Ambassador Brian Aggeler, Head of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), visited the Constitutional Court of BiH with his associates today


Visit of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Austria Alma Zadić to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

During her official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Her Excellency Alma Zadić, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Austria together with His Excellency Georg Diwald, Ambassador of Republic of Austria to Bosnia and Herzegovina and associates visited the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina today


Agenda of the 148th Plenary Session

Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina will hold its 148th Plenary Session on 19 September 2024


Agenda of the 147th Plenary Session

Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina will hold its 147th Plenary Session on 19 August 2024


Press release: new content on the website of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

We hereby inform the legal professionals, citizens and media about the latest content on the website of the Constitutional Court. It concerns the basic jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court, specifically abstract review of constitutionality


Vanredna plenarna sjednica

Ustavni sud Bosne i Hercegovine je 24. jula 2024. godine održao vanrednu plenarnu sjednicu na kojoj je usvojio prijedlog za donošenje privremene mjere u predmetu broj U-12/24
