Agenda of the 148th Plenary Session

Having regard to Articles 10 and 36 of the Rules of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina – consolidated text
(Official Gazette of BiH, 94/14, 47/23 and 41/24)

I hereby convene

148th Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina
for 19 September 2024
commencing at 09:30 hrs


I.    Adoption of the Minutes

1.    Minutes of the 146 th plenary session of the CC BiH of 11 July 2024
2.    Minutes of the Extraordinary e_plenary session of the CC BIH of 24 July 2024
3.    Minutes of the 147th plenary session of the CC BIH of 19 August 2024

II.    Conclusion on Corrigendum

1.    AP-566-23
2.    AP-678-23

III.    Memorandums on Request for Review

1.    AP-4163-20
2.    AP-46-21
3.    AP-535-21
4.    AP-787-21
5.    AP-2318-21
6.    AP-2849-21
7.    AP-3045-21
8.    AP-10-22
9.    AP-764-22
10.    AP-1404-22
11.    AP-2165-22
12.    AP-2185-22
13.    AP-2315-22
14.    AP-2618-22
15.    AP-2905-22
16.    AP-3562-22
17.    AP-3569-22
18.    AP-3642-22
19.    AP-3839-22
20.    AP-4242-22
21.    AP-4243-22
22.    AP-4707-22
23.    AP-4789-22
24.    AP-4913-22
25.    AP-69-23
26.    AP-283-23
27.    AP-466-23
28.    AP-1342-23
29.    AP-1484-23
30.    AP-2102-23
31.    AP-2991-23
32.    AP-3659-23
33.    AP-4879-23

IV.    Ruling on Request for Review

1.    AP-1261-20

V.    Deliberation of U cases

1.    U-7-24
Request of the Municipal Court in Sarajevo (Judge Sanela Vrbanjac) for review of compatibility of Article 18 of the Law on Salaries and Compensations in the Sarajevo Canton Authorities (Official Gazette of the Sarajevo Canton, 5/19) with Article I(2) and Article II(4) of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) as read with Article 14 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Article 1 of Protocol No. 12 to the European Convention and Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

2.    U-9-24
Request of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Judge Nada Papo) for a review of compatibility of Article 11 of the Law on Salaries and Other Compensations in Judicial and Prosecutorial Institutions at the Level of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of BiH, 90/05, 32/07, 17/13, 5/14, 40/14, 48/15, 77/20, 9/23 and 29/23) with Article I(2) and Article II(4) of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) as read with Article 14 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Article 1 of Protocol No. 12 to the European Convention and Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

3.    U-12-24
Requests of Dr Denis Zvizdić, First Deputy Chair of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH for a review of constitutionality of the Election Law of the Republika Srpska (Official Gazette of RS, 61/24) and four representatives in the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina for  review of the constitutionality of the provisions of Articles 9 and 13, Article 29, paragraph 1, 4, 6-8, 11-15, 17, 19 and 20, Article 50, paragraph 2, Article 51, paragraph 1, Article 64, paragraph 1, Article 101, paragraph 1, Article 102, paragraph 4, Article 105, paragraph 1, Article 117, paragraph 1, Article 121, paragraph 1 and Article 241 of the RS Election Law

VI.    Decision on Merits

1.    AP-1261-20 (M.R.)*
2.    AP-171-21 (Slobodan Miletić)
3.    AP-495-21 (H.B.)*
4.    AP-509-21 (Sanjin Sefić)
5.    AP-1117-22 (Z.J.)*
6.    AP-2312-22 (Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine)
7.    AP-4260-23 (A.Č.)*
8.    AP-4632-23 (Nikola Glavaš)
9.    AP-4947-23 (Gordan Gvozden)
10.    AP-5011-23 (Ivica Mišković)
11.    AP-437-24 (Eso Razić)
12.    AP-578-24 (Marko Živković)
13.    AP-669-24 (Z.M.)*
14.    AP-888-24 (Dražen Lazarević)
15.    AP-889-24 (Amela Mulahusić)
16.    AP-970-24 (Kerim Tupković)
17.    AP-982-24 (Sead Alijagić)
18.    AP-1324-24 (M. M.)*
19.    AP-2540-24 (Srpska Demokratska Stranka)

VII.    Memorandum on some issues arising under the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court of BiH

VIII.    Decision on Admissibility - prima facie

IX.    Decisions on Admissibility

X.    Administrative issues

XI.    Miscellaneous

Seada Palavrić
Constitutional Court of Bosnia and  Herzegovina

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