Agenda of the 144th plenary session

Having regard to Articles 9 and 36 of the Rules of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 94/14 and 47/23)
 I hereby convene

144th Plenary session of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina
for 30 and 31 May 2024
in the Main Courtroom of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina commencing at 10:00 hrs


I.    Deliberation and Adoption of the Minutes

II.    Amendments to the Rules of the Constitutional Court of BiH

III.    Election of President of the Constitutional Court of BiH

IV.    Election of Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of BiH

V.    Conclusion on Corrigendum

1.    AP-1607-23

VI.    Deliberation of U cases

1.    U-5-23
Request of Mr. Denis Bećirović, Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and for  review of constitutionality of the Law on Immovable Property Used for the Functioning of Public Authorities (Official Gazette of the RS, 16/23)

2.    U-1-24
Request of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, (Judge Dragica Miletić) for review of the compatibility of Article 12 of the Law on Salaries and Other Compensations in Judicial and Prosecutorial Institutions at the Level of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 90/05, 32/07, 17/13, 5/14, 40/14, 48/15 and 77/20) with Article I(2) and Article II(4) of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Article 14 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

3.    U-2-24
Request of Mr. Kemal Ademović, Chair of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina for a review of constitutionality of the Law on Manufacturing of Weapons and Military Equipment in the Republika Srpska (Official Gazette of the RS, 1/24).
The applicant argued that the disputed law is incompatible with Article I(2), Article III(1)(b) and Article III(3)(b) of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina

4.    U-3-24
Request of Mr. Kemal Ademović, Chair of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina for review of the constitutionality of the Decision on Changing the Purpose of Forestland and Temporary Use of Forestland for other Purposes (Official Gazette of FBiH, 89/23 and 100/23)

5.    U-5-24
Request of Cantonal Court in Sarajevo (Judge Adi Isaković) for review of compatibility of Article 147(1) of the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance (Official Gazette of the FBiH, 13/18, 19/93 – Decision of the Constitutional Court of the FBIH, 94/20 – Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the FBIH, 90/21, 19/22 and 42/23 - Decision of the Constitutional Court of the FBiH) and Article 2(3) of the Rulebook on Reimbursement of Funeral Expenses in the Event of Death of the Pension Beneficiary (Official Gazette of the FBiH, 47/18 and 48/22)  with Article II(3)(k) of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and Article II(3)(m) of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Article 2 of Protocol No. 4 to the European Convention.

6.    U-6-24
Request by 13 Members of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina to resolve a dispute with the entity Republika Srpska arising from the adoption of the Decision on the Method and Sale of Real Property owned by the RS located within the Special  Area of Jahorina, by public bidding (Official Gazette of the RS, 114/23 of 29 December 2023)

VII.    Decisions on Merits

1.    AP-1795/21 (Emela Kapidžija)

2.    AP-705/22 (Rasim Voloder)

3.    AP-3716/22 (A. V.)

4.    AP-1773/23 (Ivica Kosić)

5.    AP-1921/23 (Nina Ninković)

6.    AP-1923/23 (A. M.)

7.    AP-1959/23 (M. O.)

8.    AP-2138/23 (Srđan Stupar)

9.    AP-2251/23 (Benedi Đukanović)

10.    AP-2662/23 (Razija Sedić)

11.    AP-2756/23 (Dražen Šiniković)

12.    AP-2950/23 (Hajrudin Vejzović)

13.    AP-3259/23 (Luka Brković)

14.    AP-3261/23 (S. J.)

15.    AP-3561/23 (Srđan Stupar)

16.    AP-3864/23 (Nenad Dušanić)

17.    AP-4922/23 (IAB Engineering - IAB Inžinjering d.o.o. Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje)

18. AP-448/24  (Ranko Debevec)

19. AP-2393/231 (Borislav Gliha)

VIII.    Decisions on Admissibility - prima facie

IX.    Decisions on Admissibility

X.    Administrative issues

Valerija Galić
Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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