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114th session of the Grand Chamber

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina held its 114th ordinary session of the Grand Chamber today More

Constitutional Court and the AIRE Centre have presented a Report on the Case Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina Courts on the Right to Liberty and Security of Person and the Right to Freedom of Ex

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the AIRE Centre have presented a Report on the Case Law of the Courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Right to Liberty and Security of Person and the Right to Freedom of Expression (“Praksa sudova u Bosni i Hercegovini u pogledu prava na slobodu i sigurnost ličnosti i prava na slobodu izražavanja“) in Sarajevo today. The Report presents in a simple and affordable way the relevant decisions of the courts and principles of interpretation of norms in two important domains of the European Convention on Human Rights, i.e. the protection of the right under Article 5 (the right to liberty and security of person) and protection of the right under Article 10 (the right to freedom of expression)


113th session of the Grand Chamber

Today, the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has held, by electronic means, 113th ordinary session of the Grand Chamber of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina More

Visit of Minister of Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mr. Miloš Lučić, the Minister of Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with the Head of the Cabinet of the Minister Mlađen Božović, paid a visit today to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina More

Visit of the Director of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA)

Mr. Darko Ćulum, the newly appointed Director of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), visited the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina today More

112th session of the Grand Chamber

Today, the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina held its 112th session of the Grand Chamber of the Constitutional Court by electronic means More

118th plenary session and the 111th session of the Grand Chamber

Today, the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has held, by use of a web platform, its 118th plenary session and the 111th session of the Grand Chamber of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by electronic means, to consider a request for review of constitutionality and certain number of appeals More

Visit by His Excellency the Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic

His Excellency Dimitrios Papandreou, the Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic has paid a visit to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina today More