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High Representative Christian Schmidt visited the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina Christian Schmidt with his associates has paid a visit today to the Constitutional Court of Bosna and Herzegovina


President Galić visited the Faculty of Law of the University in Mostar

On 29 May 2023, President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina visited the Faculty of Law of the University in Mostar


Visit of the Ambassador, Head of the OSCE Election Observation Mission

Njegova ekselencija Peter Tejler, ambasador, šef Izborne posmatračke misije OSCE-ovog Ureda za demokratske institucije i ljudska prava (ODIHR), danas je sa svojim saradnicima posjetio Ustavni sud Bosne i Hercegovine


Visit of the students of the Law Faculty of the University of Mostar

The students/members of the Student Union of the Faculty of Law of the University visited the Constitutional Court of BiH today.


Visit of the students of the International University of Sarajevo

The students of the Faculty of Law of the International University of Sarajevo visited the Constitutional Court of BiH today.


President Galić at the Berlin Conference

The President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ms. Valerija Galić, participated in the Conference entitled  “Climate Change as a Challenge for the Constitutional Law and Constitutional Courts” held on 4 and 5 May 2023 in Berlin


Press release

Povodom zaključaka usvojenih na jučerašnjoj sjednici Narodne skupštine Republike Srpske


Professional training organized for lawyers of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Lawyers of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in a two-day seminar entitled "Positive Obligations of the State - Effective Investigation under Articles 2, 3 and 8 of the European Convention"


Delegation of the Constitutional Court of BiH on a visit to the United Kingdom Supreme Court

Predsjednica Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine Valerija Galić, potpredsjednici Mirsad Ćeman i Zlatko M. Knežević te registrarka Sevima Sali-Terzić borave u studijskoj posjeti Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu od 26. do 29. marta 2023. godine
